現今社會知識水準提升,科技發達、經濟起飛,帶動整個社會結構的變遷,人民進退有據展現出追求理想的實力。由電腦與通訊這二大科技技術發展出的智慧手環,其改變了人們對健康管理的觀念與方法,透過藍芽技術,能對自己的生理健康狀況多所了解,甚至能與醫療院所直接聯繫。因此本研究即以動機限制因子理論為基礎,以人格特質為自變項,並從使用者的觀點來探討使用者利用智慧手環輔助健康管理的因素和瞭解影響智慧手環使用者滿意度的構面。 依據228份有效樣本資料的統計分析結果顯示,智慧手環的使用與年齡50歲以下、已婚的婚姻狀況、教育程度大學以上的上班族、體重、BMI值都適中、沒有慢性病的狀態下的健康個體是有密切顯著的相關;五大人格特質中,只有外向型、經驗開放型顯著影響智慧手環使用的滿意度;而使用動機對滿意度具有正向顯著的影響,自我決定動機越明顯,使用滿意度越高。 For the rapid development of knowledge, technology, and economic, the social structure has changed to promote people’s strength toward their ideals. Based on the computer and communication technology, smart wearable device (SWD) has developed that changes people’s concept and method on managing their health. By Bluetooth technology, the users of SWD can understand the health of themselves. Further, SWD can contact with the hospital directly to protect uses’ health. Thus, based on Limiting Factor Motivation Theory (LFMT), this study explored the factors that influence the satisfaction of SWD used for assisting users’ health management. According the analysis of 228 effective samples, we found the variables of age below 50 years old, married, education degree above university, medium weight and BMI, and without chronic diseases had close relation to users’ health. Among the five personality characteristics, users with the styles of export-oriented and experience open had higher user satisfaction. Finally, the users with self-determination motivation had higher satisfaction after using SWD.