本研究應用健康信念模式,加入人格特質DISC分析系統,以探討嘉義縣國小教職員預防登革熱之認知行為,期望可提供有關單位製作防疫宣導品及從事衛教宣導之參考。 研究問卷內容根據文獻並邀請專家逐步審題再加以調整,且對研究母群體立意取樣選取30位做預試,使問卷具信度。研究母體為嘉義縣103學年度國小教職員,以分層隨機抽樣42所學校發放問卷,最後將實得有效樣本351人,以統計軟體SPSS 20進行分析,結果顯示:一、從研究對象在登革熱的健康信念中得知其預防登革熱認知與行為上有顯著正相關,因此可在登革熱防疫上事先做好衛教宣導,進而對學童教導預防登革熱正確的認識及行為。二、「宣傳單或海報」、「報章雜誌」與「研習活動」分別與預防登革熱認知與行為有顯著正向相關;而「網路」及「報章雜誌」會因不同的人格特質有顯著不同。 建議可參考這些結果依照欲傳遞之登革熱相關訊息製成宣傳品,以利衛教。 By using health belief model with adding DISC personality analysis system, this study is to investigate the prevention behavior of Dengue fever among elementary school staffs in Chiayi County. Such results are expected to provide a guide to prevention and health education of Dengue fever for government. The study questionnaire was designed according to the literature review, and was revised by several experts. A preliminary study was conducted on 30 cases selected by convenient sampling. By stratified random sampling, the study population was retrieved from 42 schools in Chiayi County in 2014. A total of 351 valid cases were enrolled into the study. SPSS was used for statistical analysis. The results shows in the followings:1.In the health belief of Dengue fever, there is significantly positive association between awareness and behavior in prevention of Dengue fever. Therefore, advertisement of health education of Dengue fever can be conducted previously and then children can be correctly educated the knowledge and prevention behavior of Dengue fever.2.Variables of advertisement sheets or posters, newspapers and magazines, and learning activities are significantly positively associated with the awareness and behavior in prevention of Dengue fever. While variables of internet, newspapers and magazines, were significantly associated with different DISC personality. Such results can be used as referrences to design advertisement measures for Dengue fever to promote health education.