不論是新創、既有或轉型的企業,都會面臨一些與策略相關的議題與挑戰。本研究試圖結合西方策略理論、東方經典和在地脈絡觀點,建構一個策略矛盾的整合型架構,貢獻於理論發展與實務。本研究之結果,將有助於瞭解企業對於策略矛盾的覺察、瞭解與行動。同時,研究結果將有助於與既有的文獻作比較,探討矛盾對於在企業在策略思考與經營模式上,所產生的相似與不同影響。 Nascent, established or reorganized businesses encounter various strategy issues and challenges. By synthesizing Western strategy theory, Eastern classics, and local contexts, this study develops an integrated framework of strategy paradox, contributing to theory development and practice. Research results will enhance our understanding of the awareness, interpretation, and action associated with strategy paradox in businesses. Moreover, findings will be useful to compare the existing literature for further investigating similar and different effects of paradoxes on strategic thinking and business models.