服務創新是一個多元複雜的學科,而創新的本質及過程在過去十年間已有大幅改變。根據服務主導導向(S-D)邏輯,本研究發展一整合性的服務創新模式。S-D邏輯引導我們將所有種類及型式的創新、有形及無形的服務視為超越心理的模式。本研究提出服務主導導向及知識資源將促成服務創新,而動態服務創新能力對於以上之關係具有中介之作用,再者服務創新對於組織財務與非財務績效具有顯著影響,而知識分享、知識整合機制、組織權變與環境條件等四個因素,將成為服務創新與其前置及結果變數之調解變數。本研究將以二年來執行,第一年主要著重於利用質性研究及作者共引文分析(co-citation analysis)來釐清本研究架構之內部關係。質性研究將以零售業之企業主及高階管理者為對象進行深入訪談。而作者共引文分析則是透過在服務領域的最有影響力的前六大期刊之引用文章來分析 評估。再者,第二年的研究則是以量化研究來檢測本研究假設。量化研究將以台灣與印尼零售公司之管理者來進行問卷調查。本研究結果預期可提供我們對於服務創新之前置變數、中介變數、調節變數及結果變數更多的瞭解,且可有助於學界做進一步之實證及讓實務界籍此來設計出適當之創新執行策略。 Service innovation is a complex field which represents various disciplines. However, the nature and process of innovation has radically shifted in the past decade. Based on service-dominant (S-D) logic, this study develops an integrated model of service innovation. S-D logic allows us to view service as a transcending mental model for all types and forms of innovation, tangible or intangible. The model consists of antecedents, mediator, moderators, and consequences of service innovation. This study proposes that service-dominant orientation and knowledge resources enhance service innovation while dynamic service innovation capabilities mediate the effects of S-D orientation and knowledge resources on service innovation. Furthermore, this study proposes that service innovation has a positive effect on financial and non-financial performance while knowledge sharing, knowledge integration mechanism, organizational contingencies and environmental conditions serve as moderators of the relationship between service innovation and its antecedents and consequences. Fourteen hypotheses are proposed in this study. This study will be conducted in two years. The first-year study consists of qualitative study and author co-citation analysis to identify the interrelationships among research constructs. Qualitative study will be conducted by in-depth interview with business owners and top management executives of the retail industry. Author co-citation will be conducted by evaluating articles through co-citation using articles from six top and influential journals of the service field. Furthermore, the second-year study will be quantitative study to empirically test the research hypotheses. Quantitative study will be conducted by survey questionnaires using managers of retail companies in Taiwan and Indonesia as the sample. It is expected that the results of this research can enable us to get better understanding about antecedents, mediators, moderators, and consequences of service innovation. The results could also be very helpful for academicians to further validate the research model and could be very useful for professionals to design and implement strategies.