本研究嘗試擺脫心理學的說明方式,以人之自主決意說明陽明心學中人之惡如何可能之問題。心理學說明方式,視人之氣質習心對本心之干擾為人之惡的根源,此說因其經驗性無助解決由人之惡而來的責任問題。然自主決意作為人之惡之可能性先在條件,證成人之作為善惡之行為者而使其中之責任概念成為可能。在這基礎下,陽明心學因心理學說明方式所可能引至的善惡二元論,即可解決;同時,依這自主性所建立的決意主體,即可把陽明心學中的倫理學部分,歸屬到一倫理學三段論,把人之本心立法,與人之決意,在邏輯統一性中被理解:因為人之惡出於人之決意,人即埋解為決意主體,故以本心為核心之倫理學系統,避免了人之惡因心理學詮釋被排除到系統之外,至使產生善惡分離,人不能承擔倫理責任之困難。 Instead of the psychological explanation in this research I would like to try explain the problem how human evil can be possible in Yangmin philosophy by a free decision. This explanation which thinks the interference of inclination against the original mind as the source of human evil has no help for the solution for the problem of responsibility because of its empirical character. A free decision as the possible precondition for the human evil can however justify the good and evil actor in order to make the concept of responsibility possible. Under such understanding the possible difficulty caused from an ethical dualism can be solved, at the same time the decisive subject based on the freedom can lead the ethics in Yangmin philosophy to an ethical syllogism in which the legislation of the original mind and the decision of human can be in a logical unity understood: human can be understood as a decisive subject by means of the human decision as the source of the human evil. According to such explanation the ethics based on the concept of original mind may escape from the difficulty that the human evil is excluded from the ethics because of the psychological explanation so that the good and evil are separated and human cannot be responsible.