本研究計畫運用傅科的後結構性/別政治觀點,探討德國20世紀前半期科學研究中與性/別相關的知識,如何被轉化為國家的種族淨化政策。在20世紀初,包括生物學家及醫生等女權主義者投入「第一波」婦女運動,其中幾位女科學家對女性性慾提出全新的科學研究觀點(可以稱作是性的知識革新),與男性科學家持續爭論,成為該時期最重要的社會改革動力。然而,從20世紀20年代開始,不僅科學研究領域内的性/別階層再度被強化,女性研究人員的職位受到限制,且男性科學家在探討遺傳過程中的性別決定問題時,大多直接以階層式的性別二元論作為基底,以符合該時期科學研究的政治正確。最終,符合優生學原則的性/別概念,被制定為提升國家效能的準則,造就出納粹政權時期種族衛生保健的性治理模式。在20世紀初,「女人的性」曾是社會改革的知識動能;30年後,卻成為納粹性治理模式的核心標的。因此類研究主題需運用大量英文及德文資料,在資料的取得、研讀及分析耗費大量時間,故分為三年執行。第一年標題為「科學知識與性/別概念:德國20世紀初的平權論爭」,第二年標題為「性/別、知識與權力:科學研究的政治正確」,第三年標題為「種族衛生保健與國家效能:優生學的性/別控管」。 The coincidence of industrialization, labor unrest, and prostitution famed early-twentieth-century fears of social disorder and further scientific innovations in Germany. At the heart of the ‘first wave’feminist movement lay the assumption that improved gender relations would enhance women's political participation for elections. The principal goal of the feminists program was to struggle for women's sexuality, and scientific discourse became an important power for social reform. Nonetheless, male scientists, investigations between 1910 and 1940 made race and gender the categories of explanation. Research on sex determination could be called upon to argue for women's sexuality, but it also supported the notion of a binary sex difference. The political uses of their scientific findings again encompassed opposite tendencies -liberalization on the gender/sexuality front and support for racist anti-Semitic and anti-feminist politics. Eugenics and race hygiene thus became an occasion for the political management of woman's sexuality. Whether through race hygiene or birth control policy, the Nazi denied the possibility of equality under conditions of persistent diversity: the eugenics philosophy implied that inferiority and inequality inhered in racial difference. The era in question here saw political debates on gender difference, moves toward political and educational equality, challenges to a binary, hierarchical gender relations and also efforts to reinstall it. The centerpiece of racial hygiene through rational scientists was the underclass, especially the prostitutes.