數學學習從來不是一個簡單的課題,在電腦科學領域也不例外。然而,數學一直有極高的重要性,在電腦科學來說,數學學習成效如何,直接影響到學生在問題解決、程式設計、電腦架構設計、電腦科學理論、甚至系統分析等各方面的能力。學者的研究指出,在電腦科學領域數學的學習與教學之所以不易,有幾個重要因素:1.學生的數學背景差異甚大2.學生很難理解數學與電腦科學學科的關聯性3.難以制定適當的學習順序著眼於上述因素,本計劃以雲端架構輔以群眾智慧來改善學生的學習成效。首先,由於學生的數學背景不同,我們調整了CSCL的做法,以提高群組學習的影響力。其次,利用資訊擷取技術,我們從雲端自動選取相關的補充教材,以補不足。並且,應用鷹架理論,我們讓教師以鷹架的方式進行課程設計。最後,本計劃將進行試驗,以確認成效。 Math learning has never been easy and math learning in computer science is not an exception. However, the important of math can never be underestimated. In computer science, it was found that students' learning performance in math is strongly connected with the development of the following capabilities: 1. problem solving 2. programming 3. computer hardware and architecture design 4. computer science theory understanding 5. software engineering and system analysis The goal of this research is to develop a method based on cloud technologies and crowd intelligence to enhance students' learning performance of math in computer science. Past researches discovered that math learning in computer science encountered some challenges: 1. students have wide range of mathematical abilities, so course design is difficult 2. some students do not see the importance of the linkage between mathematics and their major 3. it is difficult to get students to take their courses in the best order To overcome these issues, at first, we extend traditional computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) methods with crowd technologies. Then, we adopt information extraction technologies to obtain more supplementary materials. Furthermore, scaffolding methods will be utilized to help teachers design courses. Finally, an experiment will be performed to verify the performance of the proposed method.