儘管「多元文化」一詞經常出現在政策文本或文獻中,台灣的多元文化教育往往只從單一面向討論,例如把多元文化教育等同於原住民教育、多民族教育或性別教育等。然而目前台灣的性別教育研究很少觸及族群或階級面向,族群研究也不常關照到性別與教育,領域之間鮮少對話,也使得理論化台灣多元文化教育顯得困難重重。本研究嘗試交錯性/別與族群兩元素,從「想像」著手,藉著理解在漢人為優勢族群的台灣社會中,教師作為政策傳遞中介,漢人教師如何詮釋原住民族的性/別關係,詮釋型態呈現的社會文化意涵、權力關係、及性別及族群政治等;同時也從原住民族教師如何詮釋或感受他/她們自己的族群與性/別文化,進一步重新檢視多元文化教育的內涵,以及可能對性別教育與多元文化教育的挑戰。 The interaction between concepts of gender and ethnicity possibly further complicates the story of gender politics in schooling in Taiwan. This paper focuses on the ways that schoolteachers of a Han background reconceptualise the notions of sexuality and gender of Taiwanese aborigines. In the meantime, it explores the ways that aboriginal teachers look at their own sex/gender relations within their cultures. The research finds that this Hancentred perspective of what a good 'gender relationship' would be influenced, in turn, the content of the 'gender education' they imposed on aboriginal students. Departing from gender studies, this paper attempts to investigate the relationships between gender and ethnicity, through which re-examining the implications of multicultural education in Taiwan.