由於紀念品本身具有獨特性,而這獨特性會影響消費者的購買意願,導致在紀念品的購買情境中較易造成衝動性的購買行為。本研究將藉由不同的觀點,將衝動性特質視為人格特質的一種型態。研究中將以赴奇美博物館參觀的遊客為研究對象(N=346),利用結構方程模型探討參觀者對博物館所提供之解說服務的滿意度與紀念品購買意願間的因果關係,並更深入的檢驗衝動性特質對該關係的干擾效果。研究結果顯示,當參觀者對解說服務的滿意度越高時,其對紀念品的購買意願也越高。此外,研究中也證實了衝動性特質於解說服務滿意度與紀念品的購買意願間的干擾效果,亦即當參觀者具有明顯衝動性特質的情形下,對於解說服務越滿意的參觀者,其對紀念品的購買意願也越高。此研究結果可提供管理者參考,當欲以行銷紀念品的方式,自籌經營經費時,宜加強解說人員的訓練以提高解說服務滿意度,並且致力於解說過程中,激發具明顯衝動性特質之參觀者的購買意願。 Most previous research concerning impulsive trait has focused on the relation between impulsive trait and impulsive buying behavior. Viewed from a different perspective, our study treats impulsive trait as a type of personal characteristic. The present study examined the causal relationship between interpretation satisfaction and purchase intention and the moderating influences of impulsive trait among a sample of museum visitors in Chi-Mei Museum (N=346). Structural equation modeling was used to estimate a model linking interpretation satisfaction to purchase intention. As expected, the result shows that museum visitors experiencing higher level of interpretation satisfaction leads to a high level of purchase intention. The findings further revealed that impulsive trait moderated the effect of interpretation satisfaction on purchase intention. This indicates that the higher the level of impulsive trait, the higher level is the likelihood that interpretation satisfaction will lead to higher level of purchase intention.