本研究以購買決策行為模式(EKB model)為架構,探討消費者在網路購買農產品決策過程中,購買的動機為何?搜尋資訊的型態為何?哪些產品屬性為其所重視?以及其購買結果為何?藉由實際現象的探討,讓網站業者重新思索其產品以及行銷策略的擬定是否為顧客所接受?能否真正滿足顧客需求?以及在網路上販售農特產品是否合適?本研究針對「生活型態」、「購物動機」、「資訊搜尋行為」、「選擇評估行為」等變數做因素分析,並利用各變數主要因素將網路農產品消費者加以分群與命名。最後利用獨立性檢定驗證各變數之問的關聯性。研究結果發現購買決策過程各變數存在著正向影響關係,驗證了網路農產品購買決策是一個環環相扣的過程,並根據各集群類型之間關聯性的差異,將購買決策過程歸納為:「口碑型」、「便利型」以及「挑剔型」等三種類型。由於決策過程是由購買動機所引發,網站在規劃行銷策略時,應該視其為最重要因素,設計出令消費者難以抗拒的購物情境。在資訊搜尋行為上,消費者仍透過傳統人際來源方式搜尋資訊,因此網站應利用促銷手法製造話題,以達到宣傳推廣效果。而消費者對屬性評估的看法較分歧,意味著網站應全面性經營產品相關屬性,才能滿足所有消費者的購物需求。 This research is using EKB model as configuration to discuss the motion of buying, types of searching information, valuation and outcome of purchasing while consumers purchase agricultural products through Internet? By the way of discussing actual phenomenon, website masters can reconsider whether their products and marketing strategy could be accepted and satisfied exactly by the customers? And is it suitable to sell agricultural products through Internet? This study uses the variables, 'life-style', 'purchasing motion', 'information search' and 'evaluation of alternatives', to do factor analysis. This study uses all key factors of variables to cluster and name customers who purchasing agricultural products through Internet. Finally, the test of independent was used to proof the relationship among all variables. The outcome of the research is showing that all variables of purchasing decision are having positive relationships. Proofing that purchasing agricultural products decision through Internet is a chain of processes, and according to the difference in each cluster, we can generalize the processes of purchasing decision to 3 types, 'public praise' 'convenience' and 'being choosy'.