加入WTO後,外資券商的進駐促使國內證券業重新調整經營方向,朝大型化與專業化發展,由證券商積極改善整體服務的行動中,可發現企業整體的評價與聲望是影響消費者選擇與偏好的重要關鍵之一。因此,如何在聲望評比中取得領先的地位,是許多證券業者努力的目標。本研究運用多評準決策(Multiple Criteria Decision Making, MCDM)來進行證券業的企業聲望評價與績效評估,期能為投資人提供評選業務往來證券商之簡易方法,或是提供即將踏入社會之新鮮人作為評估就業目標的重要參考指標之一。當有為數不少的證券商可供選擇,卻又有許多評估因子需要同時考慮,此時透過多評準決策方法與灰關聯分析法(Grey Relational Analysis, GRA)的輔助來評估出較適合之證券商,此類決策方法對解決多目標間的衝突與矛盾、彼此優先次序不同上的問題非常有效。透過灰關聯分析亦可以進一步的探討在不同的決策者喜好之下,各家證券商整體表現之不同點,以提供業者標竿學習之重要參考指標。 This research applies technique of the grey relational analysis (GRA) to prioritize the business reputation of the seven companies in securities industry with different parameters and weights settings. While evaluating various attributes among numerous security firms, the multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) method is practically effective on selecting the best company in securities industry. Though using different parameters and weights could generate different priority, the study has revealed that Yuanta Core Pacific Security and Fubon Securities, were the two best companies in securities industry in Taiwan, as the other five firms still have room for improvement.