台灣農業朝企業化發展係必然的趨勢,產則為其推動之基礎。由本研究可以探知產銷班發展必須凝聚共識,共同訂定努力之目標。並擬定經營策略,建位一個集會、集貨之場所,供班員進行一切產銷活動。健全財務,提高產品品質。且必須成為”學習型組織”經常發掘問題、解決問題,才能創造利潤,健全產銷班之營運,以帶動農業成功轉型和永續發展。 Agriculture industrialization is an inevitable trend in Taiwan and the production-marketing team should be the driving force behind it. This study reveals that to develop a production-marketing team requires a collective sense. There must be shared goals and management strategies for all production-marketing activities supported by senior management. The production-marketing team’s role must be fostering a “learning organization” so there is a corporate will to search for and solve problems resulting in good products, effective marketing and sound financial management. Such business is critical for the timely and successful transformation of agriculture and thus for its sustainable development in Taiwan.