This paper, by focussing on Plato’s Protagoras and Gorgias, sets out to show the discrepancy between Socrates and the Sophists toward educational attitudes by means of the following two questions which Socrates proposes therein: ‘what a Sophist is’ (ti estin ho sophistēs) and ‘what rhetoric is’ (ti estin hē rhētorikē), there by demonstrating the dissimilarity of occupation and vocation. The principle task therefore, is to examine how Socrates criticizes the Sophists’ education, by attempting to construe the different educational methods between them, mainly with the aid of the German scholar, Werner Jaeger’s Paideia, by virtue of which it is supposed that the concepts of technē and tychē are manifested, there by the differentiation of technē (art) and ergasia (craft) is exposed and that of ta mathēnata (knowledge, die Kenntnisse) and hē epistēmē (science, das Wissenschaft or das Wissen) is demonstrated. 此論文──聚焦在柏拉圖的《普羅達哥拉斯》與《高爾吉亞斯》兩篇對話錄──以蘇格拉底與智者之間的差異為出發點,透過由蘇格拉底所提的以下兩個問題來闡明他們的教育態度:「甚麼是智者」以及「甚麼是演說術」,藉此展現職業與志業的差異。因此,此論文之主要的工作是以德國學者Werner Jaeger的《教育》一書去分析他們的教育方法之差異,由此去探究蘇格拉底如何批評智者的教育,藉此,我們假定的技藝與運氣的概念可以被彰顯出來,技藝與工藝的差異可以被說明清楚,以及知識與科學的差異可以被闡明。