「生物多樣性」自1986年提出以來,國際社會日益正視物種滅絕和生態系統退化等問題,及其對人類社會的迫切威脅。相關研究指出,各種形式的生命維持著複雜、緊密而脆弱的互賴關係,而物種的喪失將減少人類和大自然相互適應變化的能力。值得注意的是,1992年簽署的《生物多樣性公約》雖然為國際社會提供相關行動方案之具體指標,但卻也衍生出各國「分享何種責任」以及「如何分享責任」等責任分享(burden sharing)問題,以致國際實踐相對有限。由於生物多樣性議題不僅包括國際條約的制定,亦涉及國家之間的協商談判、制度建立,以及政策落實等面向。因此,本文擬以歐盟生物多樣性治理為題,嘗試從責任分享概念探討歐盟相關行動方案之發展。 A lot of biological resources have been used and needed for people’s living in daily life, but economic development makes those resources disappear gradually. Climate change is one of the greatest global challenges of the 21st century, and it is a very complex issue referring not only to an increase in the mean global air temperature but also to the ecosystem. Moreover, one of the major challenges facing participants in the biological diversity issue is to find a scheme of burden sharing that can be accepted as “fair” by all or at least most actors. Discussions of fairness and equity often refer to two general categories of issues: procedures and outcomes. Procedural equity requires that basic rights of individuals or states be respected in decision-making and that those affected by decisions be allowed to participate in the formulation of those decisions. The fairness or equity of outcomes demands that there be a fair distribution of burdens and a fair allocation of benefits.