2014年的「慕尼黑共識」以及2016國防白皮書,都標誌著德國對外交與安全政策有了新的定位與認知。柏林政府強調,將著手調整組織與作為,以符合外界對德國的期待,更清楚表達了柏林樂於承擔責任,也有義務積極參與歐洲和全球事務。基於這個外交與安全政策的新思維,本文將探討歐洲難民危機對於德國歐洲政策所帶來的挑戰及其因應作為。 Both the 2014 “Munich Consensus” and the 2016 White Paper on Defence Policy set out the new concepts underlying German foreign and security policy. The Berlin government expressed the growing realisation that some adjustment to close the gap between expectations of German policy and what was being delivered had become necessary. Germany is going to make a more substantial and decisive contribution to European as well as international affairs. Based on this new paradigm of foreign and security policy, the paper deals with the problematics that European refugee crisis poses for Germany’s European Policy.