2001年九一一恐怖攻擊事件後,歐洲與東南亞持續籠罩在伊斯蘭恐怖主義的威脅陰影。但是到目前為止,歐洲與東南亞並無具體實際的合作行動,以真正實現雙邊的反恐合作。本文企圖由歐洲聯盟與東南亞國協在恐怖主義合作的重要文件,在理論上以制度、權力、結構與網絡四個因素切入,分析為何雙方針對全球日益熾烈的恐怖主義威脅,雙方的反恐合作尚僅處於非常初步的階段。 After the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, Europe and Southeast Asia continued to be shrouded in the shadow of Islamic terrorism. But so far, Europe and Southeast Asia have no concrete actions to achieve bilateral anti-terrorism cooperation. This article attempts to review the important documents regarding to the cooperation between the European Union and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in the field of counter-terrorism. This analysis considersthe four factors, namely system, power, structure and network to analyze why the counter-terrorism cooperation is still at a very preliminary stage, while the two regions facing increasingly serious threat of terrorism.