吳明益是台灣新世代作家中書寫自然生態議題的佼佼者,受到許多評論的關注與青睞,然而在自然生態之外,吳明益也有較少受到討論的其他書寫面向,例如以中華商場為描寫對象的小說。從早期的《本日公休》和《虎爺》中的幾個和中華商場有關的短篇故事,到《睡眠的航線》以中華商場作為男主角和父親相處的背景空間,再到近期的《天橋上的魔術師》專門以中華商場的各種空間、商店和人物際遇為題,展開追憶與悼亡,透過空間日夢和魔幻敘事,構成了迷離又淒清的中華商場系列小說,在吳明益的作品中獨樹一幟。本文擬以吳明益《天橋上的魔術師》為探討中心,將其置於新世代的地方書寫和移民文學的脈絡下,探討居住在中華商場的新一代台北人──包括中南部的本省移民和大陸來的外省移民,如何透過中華商場的空間原型發展日夢想像,並和死亡記憶進行連結,譜寫台北新移民的離散哀歌與自我╱家屋崩毀的傷痛。本文將借助巴舍拉的空間詩學理論,發掘吳明益所建構的不同於巴舍拉的空間詮釋學,並分析小說的魔幻敘事模式如何運作,以及此種魔幻敘事何以成為小說人物抵禦現實(死亡)的療癒力量?這些問題關係著新世代在處理移民的流離失所時,是如何看待這些創傷並採取和前人不同的應對方式,從而彰顯出新世代小說的獨特觀看與超越創傷的企圖。 Wu Ming-Yi is one of top Taiwanese new generation authors focusing on natural and ecological issues. His books have driven a lot of attention and favorable reviews. However, in addition to those natural and ecological books, Wu Ming-Yi wrote books with less attention, such as the fictions focusing on the Chinese shopping mall in Taipei. For example, "We’re Closed Today" and "Grandfather Tiger"are the short stories related to the Chinese shopping mall in his early writing career. In "Routes in a Dream”, the Chinese shopping mall is the place where the main character got along with his father. His recent fiction “The Magician on the Skywalk " is focusing on the variety of space, shops, and the people living in the Chinese shopping mall and the memories of death. With daydreams in spaces and magic narrative techniques, the blur and sorrow Chinese shopping mall series are the most unique work of Wu Ming-Yi. The study will mainly discuss "The Magician on the Skywalk " written by Wu Ming-Yi and find out how the new generation of Taipei, including the immigrants from the central and south of Taiwan and the immigrants from mainland China, develop daydreams in the space of the Chinese shopping mall and connect to the memories of death. It presents the painful experiences of separation and self and home collapse. Based on the “Poetic of Space” theory from Gaston Bachelard, the study identifies the space hermeneutics between Wu Ming-Yi and Gaston Bachelard and analyzes how magic narrative module work in fictions and become the healing power to against the reality - death. These issues are related to the way how new generation deal with emotional pain when facing displaced immigrants, which is different from their predecessors. It highlights the unique viewpoint of the fictions of new generation and the ambition goes beyond trauma.