陳錫如(1866~1928),名鍾靈,一名天賜,號紫髯翁,別號近市居士。澎湖馬公人。日治時期於澎湖、高雄兩地設帳授徒,在漢學推廣、詩社創立及女學提倡上頗多貢獻,著有《留鴻軒詩文集》。陳錫如處在擊鉢吟詩盛行的年代,其詩集中以詠史與詠物詩占較大比例,這是當時詩人普遍的創作傾向,陳錫如也不例外,他的澎湖地景書寫雖不多,但反而有頗多可觀之處,例如他的「小八景」系列詩作,所擇取的地景有別於前人所選,頗有開創之功與推廣之效。本論文將以文化地理學角度,深入分析陳錫如的澎湖地景詩,探討其地方意識以及作品背後的文化涵義。 Chen Xi Ru (1866-1928) was born in Penghu Magong, established private school in Penghu and Kaohsiung in the Japanese colonial period. His great contribution to the promotion of Sinology, founded Poetry Society and promote female school, representative works was "Anthology of Liu-hong-xuan”.In the era of popular mortar strike poetry, his history pomes and chanting poems accounted for a large proportion of his anthology poems, which was also the poet of universal creative tendencies; Chen Xi Ru is no exception. Chen Xi Ru Wrote Penghu landscape not much, but instead there are a lot of impressive place, such as his "Little Eight landscape" series of poems that choose to take the landscape is different from the previous selection, creating quite the contribution and promotion of efficiency .The papers will be cultural geography perspective to analyze the Penghu landscape poetry to explore their sense of place and cultural meaning behind the work.