臺灣納入清代版圖後,多位清代官員、士人來臺任職,公餘之際,記述臺灣之風土人情。翟灝《臺陽筆記》是其中的代表作品,流傳亦廣。《臺陽筆記》篇數不多,其中關於自然景觀的記述者有:〈嘉義縣火山記〉、〈玉山記〉、〈倭硫璜花記〉、〈珊瑚樹記〉、〈閩海見聞錄〉等,率多親身歷驗,足可為研究清代前期臺灣自然環境相關課題之可信資料。翟灝《臺陽筆記》所記臺灣自然風景、物產重在「奇」,對這些遠渡來臺任官的士人來說,「獵奇」不僅是文人書寫傳統,更是生活之趣味,足以為同儕友人之談資。關於人文樣態的記載、議論有:〈粵莊義民記〉、〈漳泉義民論〉、〈濁水記〉、〈生番歸化記〉、〈弭盜論〉。翟灝《臺陽筆記》對臺灣人文環境的觀焦點在治安、防務,這與他實際署理地方政事的任官經歷有直接關係。整體來說,《臺陽筆記》呈顯的是奇特珍異的自然物產與多變動盪的人文樣態,雖未全面,但或可窺乾隆、嘉慶間,清代治臺官員對臺灣的關注焦點與印象。 Taiwan was included in the territory after the Qing Dynasty, many officers, scholars worked in Taiwan. Zhai Hao "Tai Yang notes," is one of the representative works. "Tai Yang notes" had small number of articles, description of the natural landscape, from his own experience, it can be used in research of the early Qing Dynasty in Taiwan's natural environment. Zhai Hao "Tai Yang notes" chronicles the natural scenery of Taiwan, products, and its emphasis on novelty. "Novelty" is not only the literati tradition of writing, it means a style of interesting life. Talk about the human condition, and its focus on security, defense issues, which had a direct relationship with his political experience. We might know the officers impression of Taiwan in Qianlong, Jiaqing of Qing Dynasty.