本研究針對高雄榮總的門診服務進行調查,利用量化的問卷調查搭配質性研究半結構式訪談法,來評估門診患者對高雄榮總的醫院滿意度。調查結果顯示,門診病患的整體滿意度平均值為4.19,病患滿意度高低依序為最高是醫療過程構面,服務態度構面次之,環境設施構面第三。質性研究的訪談結果整理如下:受訪者對於「環境設施」方面,感覺良好的項目主要有整潔、環境及設備好;感覺欠佳的部分包括停車不便、掛號困難。關於「服務態度」方面,大部分受訪者對於工作人員的服務態度都覺得很好;關於「醫療過程」方面,覺得良好部分有醫師解釋仔細、護理師說明清楚、對中老年病患的醫療經驗豐富。覺得欠佳之處包括等候時間長、就診順序安排處理不順暢、醫師用餐時段未告知候診患者、患者的醫療問題未妥善解決、醫病溝通不充足以及排檢查等候期程太久。本研究將量化的問卷調查結果及質性的訪談結果互相參照,釐清滿意度偏低的關鍵事項,可以多面向得知需改善事項,依據研究結果提出改善建議。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the patient satisfaction with outpatient service in Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital (VGHKS). This study was composed of both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The results of questionnaire survey showed that the average score of overall satisfaction was 4.19. The ordinal of satisfaction was highest in the dimension of medical care, the second in the dimension of service attitude, and the third in the dimension of environmental facility. The results of qualitative interview demonstrated that the respondents were satisfied with cleanliness, hospital environment and equipment, service attitude, detailed explanation from doctors and nurses, and abundant experiences of caring elderly patients. The respondents were dissatisfied with insufficient parking spaces, difficulty in making an appointment, long waiting time, arrangement of the sequence to enter the consulting room, ineffective treatment, inadequate communication between patients and doctors, and unreasonable waiting time for MRI scans. The results of quantitative assessment could be elucidated by qualitative investigation. The combination of qualitative and quantitative research provides a comprehensive understanding of the expectations and satisfactions of the patients. The results of this study could contribute in improving the quality of outpatient service by delineating the items requiring improvements.