企業併購是現代金融為強化生存空間以達快速成長永續經營的手段,面臨國外金融集團大舉壓境,連同國內金融市場也競爭激烈,台灣於1994 年進入金融國際自由化的全球發展趨勢,藉由金融機構合併法、金融控股公司法等立法發展,使得台灣金融機構的業務經營模式,從分業管理轉變成不同金融業務交叉經營,金融產業開始進入競爭激烈的時代(Miller & Parkh, 1998)。然而併購涉及到企業雙方的組織文化融合問題,整合得宜企業快速疊代升級,反之則遍體鱗傷亦可能退出金融市場的爭霸割據。本研究以質性個案研究方法,以國內A 金融控股公司於4 年期間併購3 家保險公司作為研究主軸,借由個案整理進而瞭解保險公司在受到併購後的企業併購與組織整合之經營模式研究,一、用於了解台灣金融保險業與金控併購關係變化?二、保險公司受到併購後所產生的問題?三、金控併購入保險公司後銷售通路的差異?對併購後的綜效表現變化加以瞭解以利金融保險業在併購過程作為參考。 Mergers and acquisitions is the modern financial means to strengthen the survival of space in order to achieve rapid growth and sustainable operation, faced with foreign financial groups in great pressure, together with the domestic financial market is also highly competitive, Taiwan in 1994 into the international liberalization of financial global trends, The merger of financial institutions and the development of financial holding company law have made the business model of Taiwan financial institutions shift from separate management to cross-financial management. The financial industry has entered a period of intense competition (Miller & Parkhe, 1998). However, mergers and acquisitions involving the two sides of the corporate culture of integration issues, integration of appropriate enterprises rapid iteration upgrade, otherwise black and blue is also possible to withdraw from the hegemony of financial markets separatist. In this study, a qualitative case study method is adopted to study the business model of M & A and M & A of insurers after mergers and acquisitions. First, to understand the financial and insurance industry in Taiwan and financial control M & A relationship change? Second, the insurance company after the acquisition by the problem? Third, the financial control and acquisition of insurance companies after the sales channel differences? To understand the changes in the performance of M & A after the merger to facilitate the financial and insurance industry in the M & A process as a reference.