本研究藉由工作壓力量表與幸福感量表,探討雲嘉南地區高中職女性軍訓教官工作壓力與幸福感之關係。本研究採用問卷調查法,合計發出123份問卷,經回收有效問卷80份,有效問卷回收率65.04%。研究結果發現,(1)雲嘉南地區女性軍訓教官之工作壓力對幸福感具有顯著負向影響(2)女性軍訓教官不同人口變項之工作壓力均無顯著差異(3)女性軍訓教官不同人口變項之幸福感僅在階級部分具顯著差異餘均無顯著差異。由研究結果顯示,女性軍訓教官之幸福感會受工作壓力高低所影響,故增強女性軍訓教官抗壓能力而降低工作壓力或紓解其工作壓力,藉辦理研習活動提升抗壓能力,提供或鼓勵參與多元休閒活動紓解壓力,以提升幸福感程度。 Regarding the questionnaire method in this study, the questionnaire is developed by domestic and overseas scholars and military instructors in existing state, including " job stress inventory"and " well-being inventory". The object of study for the Souther region of Taiwan 123 female senior high school military training instructors, total issued 123 questionnaires, 80 valid questionnaires were collected, and the response rate of 65.04%. The results provided the following findings: (1) Female military instructors’ job stress had a significant and negative impact on their well-being; (2)the demographic variables, female military instructors had no significant effects in job stress. (3) the demographic variables, military instructors of different ranks showed significant differences in well-being. The study results show, Female well-being military instructors will be affected by the impact of high and low pressure, Therefore, the empowerment of female military instructors work under pressure and reduce stress or relieve the job stress pressure, Conduct learning activities through improved compression capability, Provide or encourage participation in diverse leisure activities to relieve stress, To enhance the degree of well-being.