本研究主要目的在探討休閒農業區發展潛力因素。經由文獻回顧與參酌本國休閒農業特性之觀察研擬訂定休閒農業區發展潛力之四項評估構面,分別為資源吸引力、市場發展潛力、顧客價值創造與整合發展能力予以探討,模式中共列出19項評估因子,並以層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)確立各因子間權重。研究結果發現,以「資源吸引力」最受專家學者重視,其次為「整合發展能力」、「顧客價值創造」與「市場發展潛力」。本研究結果除提供相關單位在發展休閒農業區之評估參考基礎外,其所建立之發展潛力評估模式架構,亦可供後續研究相關主題時之參考。 The main purpose of the research is to establish a evaluation model for leisure agriculture region. According to the historical literature review and the characteristics of Taiwan leisure agriculture, the research would discuss the four different angles, they are resources gravitation, potentiality of market development, creating customer and integrating. At devises the evaluation criteria of development agriculture area for the authorities and gives consultation for the following.