古坑鄉華山地區向來以登山健行與夜景著名,在九二一大地震後,積極地嘗試以台灣咖啡原鄉爲賣點,加上2003年台灣咖啡節的舉辦,使華山的知名度大爲提昇,遊客絡繹不絕。本研究以遊客休閒體驗模組、遊客意象及遊客滿意度爲研究主題,並以華山地區遊客爲實證分析對象。研究結果發現:1.遊客到華山平均停留時間約二~三小時,平均消費大都在300元以下,屬於半日遊的旅遊型態。2.華山咖啡遊客的體驗以情感體驗爲最高,其次爲感官體驗。3.在遊客意象方面認爲華山是欣賞夜景及休閒的好去處爲最高,其次爲華山是個約會的好地方。4.遊客體驗在平均月收入及教育程度上均有顯著差異存在;遊客意象在平均月收入及年齡上亦有顯著性差異。5.遊客的感官體驗及情感體驗對遊客的意象影響最大。6.旅遊讓人值回票價的旅遊意象對滿意度及忠誠度最具影響力。 Gukeng Huashan is famous for its mountaineering and night scenery. As residents keep trying to promote coffee in terms of the origin of Taiwan coffee and took place the Taiwan Coffee Festival in 2003 after the 921 earthquake, this area has been attracting more visitors and becoming well-known. The main topics of this discussion are experience model tourism image and tourist's satisfaction. Base on the survey of visitors' opinions, we found: 1. The duration of visitors' staying is around 2~3 hours and the average consumption is NT$ 300 roughly. It is the kind of types of half-day traveling. 2. Feel takes the first place in the experience model of visitors in HuaShan and Sense follows. 3. As far as Tourism Image concerned, most of visitors regard Huashan as an excellent place for night scenery seeing and spending leisure time. A good place for dating is followed. 4. In visitors' experience, there are obvious differences in the average monthly income and education level. In Tourism Image, there are apparent differences on average monthly income and age as well. 5. Visitors' Feel and Sense are the key factors to affect the Tourism Image. 6. In Tourism Image, worthful tour can mainly influence the tourist's satisfaction and loyalty.