高速鐵路系統列車停站方式,直接影響旅客停站損失時間、營運者營運成本,是規劃高速鐵路系統營運計畫之重要課題。本研究將停站方式與營運計畫變數予以整合,以營運者營運成本最小化及旅客停站損失時間最小化為目標,構建模糊多目標高速鐵路最適停站方式模式。該模式在旅客需求空間分布為多對多(many-to-many)型態下,能同時求解列車停站方式、班次數、各個停站方式所承運站間旅客數及系統營運所需列車數,使系統達到最佳化。 Train stopping scheduling has a great influence on both the user's travel time loss and the operator's operating cost in a high speed rail (HSO) system. This research develops a fuzzy multiobjective optimal model which simultaneously solves the train stopping schedule and the operation plan. The objective of the model is to minimize the operator's operating costs and the user's travel time loss. With the model, the optimal train stopping schedule, frequency, vehicle fleets, and seats allocation can be determined simultaneously according to the many-to-many demand distribution pattern.