在國人對於安排觀光休閒活動日益重視下,並趨向不同遊型態體驗,使得休閒農業近年來之發展已成為國人旅遊目的選擇之一;因此本研究以臺南走馬瀨農場為例,探究遊客至休閒農場之度假生活型態,及之後產生的旅遊評估感受,並將其作為農業旅遊市場區隔之基礎;研究中利用因素分析、集群分析、區別分析、單因子變異數分析,及卡方檢定等方法;根據實證結果分析,顯示不同區隔可分之為四群,其在選擇農場評估、旅遊滿意度、旅遊消費特性、及人口統計變數等項目均呈現顯著差異。由此可知,不同區隔之遊客,其在旅遊行為上具有不同之差異;故本研究結果之分析,可瞭解農業旅遊遊客之旅遊特性,亦使經營者更為掌握遊客之旅遊需求,並可作為相關休閒農業單位規劃發展參考之依據。 People in Taiwan value sightseeing and leisure activities much more than in the past and they tend to experience different types of traveling which has resulted in the increased popularity of recreational agriculture in recent years. This study uses the experience of Chiumalai Farm in Tainan to examine the vacation lifestyle of visitors of leisure farms as well as the tourist evaluation. The tourist evaluation serves as a basis for the market segmentation of agricultural tourism. The study adopts factor analysis, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, One Way analysis of Variance, and the Chi-square test. According to study results, it is indicated that the segmentation can be divided into four categories. They are significantly different in the evaluation of the farms, tourists’ traveling satisfaction, consumption characteristics of traveling, and demographic variables. Therefore, tourists belonging to the four segments demonstrate different traveling behaviors. The analysis of the study portrays the traveling characteristics of agricultural tourists, which enables owners to follow the tourist demands and serves as a reference for the planning and development of leisure farms.