在顧客導向時代商品市場上,消費者可以視其不同需求狀況,購買不同型別或功能等級的產品,而製造商將各功能組件模組化後,即可以同一產品主體,延伸變化出不同類別等級的商品,增強產品的競爭力。本文客製化模組產品設計所建立的模式,以模糊資訊理論作為評價及決策法則;在今日網路與電子商務的技術已日趨成熟下,相信有許多的廠商,迫切需要一個能妥善引導顧客需求的推薦服務系統,廠商可從服務系統中、業務人員及廠商網站中取得顧客需求與選擇產品的相對資訊,這些資訊取得對企業產品的銷售及研發將有很大助益。 In the era of customer-oriented merchandising marketing, consumers candepend on the status of their needs to purchase the products atdifferent levels of model or function. Therefore, the manufacturersmodulate their products by the level of functions and components.Hence, with the same major component of the product can be tuned tovarious categories and grades to enhance the competitiveness of theirproducts. The model build by the customized modular product design in thisresearch, we use fuzzy information axiom as the evaluation anddecision principle of the product design model; With the maturity of current network technologies and e-commercepractices, a suitable recommendation service system to guidecustomer's needs is needed for marketing. The manufacturers can usethis system to extract the information of the needs for theircustomers as well as the choices of the products the made. Suchinformation should provide valuable inputs for the sales and futureimprovement of the product to the company.