摘要: | 所謂臺灣茶文化一詞泛指與臺灣相關的茶史、茶葉、茶藝等。臺灣茶發展至今已有兩百多年,是臺灣民眾傳統的飲料之一,與臺灣的人文風俗有密不可分的關係。 本研究採深度訪談並以直接觀察法以及檔分析之研究在綜合分析之後,得以下結論:月映盃以及禮親奉茶之茶會活動形式,茶文化活動要永續傳承除了活動內涵需有文化價值具備之外,且須提供一個方便參與的機制,並與觀光資源結合,以期望跟國際文化活動能接軌,作為提供茶文化推廣團體人士活動之參考。 最後提出對台灣茶文化推廣者之建議,一、月映盃比賽為目前國內最高門檻之比賽規格,也是茶文化文創的美感連結,主辦單位因繼續維持比賽的規格與水準,不接受贊助廠商的幹預與牽制,需一以貫之,維持公正、公開、公平的原則。二、月映盃以月映千江的概念海納百川,接受國內外各流派頂尖茶學大師為比賽評審,是比賽風氣的革新,也因此才能對茶文化有積極正面的推廣。三、禮親茶道重拾華夏人文瑰寶孝道精神應在華人世界廣為推廣。 The purpose of this paper is to discuss Taiwan tea ceremony culture. The tea culture is extensive and profound. This study adopts qualitative case study. Firstly, in-depth interviews are conducted with four Taiwan tea ceremony participants, from masters to novice. The interviews combined with research data, formed the following suggestions on the promotion of tea culture in Taiwan: First, establish a new teaching system and the way to obtain the certificate; Second, the government and the people work together to enhance the overall level of Taiwan tea culture and create a win-win situation for all participants In this study, in addition to in-depth interviews and direct observation and analysis of data, it is concluded that base on Yue-En tea ceremony competition and the ceremony of the tea offering to parents, tea culture activities not only need to encompass cultral values, but should be easily accessible to all. The purpose of this study is to provide a reference for the participants of the tea culture promotion group, and to provide a convenient mechanism and a combination of tourism resources to meet the needs of international cultural activities.the recommendations of the promotion of tea culture in Taiwan, Yue-en Cup competition with the strictist of the current domestic competition specifications, is a model for upholding tea culture of the aesthetics, the organizers continued to maintain the specifications and standards, by avoiding sponsors influence and over involvement, in order remain consistent, to maintain a just, open and fair competition principle. Second, the competition aim to reflect the concept of many river flowing in the sea, to accept the many domestic and foreign schools of tea ceremonial art, and invites masters from diffrent schools to sit in judging panel, this innovative action further promotes tea culture. Third, the tea offering ceremony to parents, reflects China's cultural treasure filial piety, and should be widely promoted in the Chinese world. |