近年來,台灣面臨少子化的威脅,以兒童音樂教育為主的音樂教室該如何經營與維持,民眾是否有意願讓孩子接觸音樂教室?這是連鎖型音樂教育系統面臨的主要問題。不少連鎖型音樂教室開始對營運策略及行銷方面下了不少功夫,因此對於連鎖型音樂教室經營概況進行調查與分析,才能夠進一步瞭解他們的營運模式,從調查與分析資料瞭解他們所重視的問題。 就台灣目前生態來看,音樂教室已經不再是以往傳統以音樂教師教學為主的經營模式,而且在教師鐘點費低而人事費用又高漲的情況下,行銷通路、身兼多職、音樂教室間的合作來節省成本筆者認為是未來進一步研究的主要方向。 本研究以三個連鎖型音樂教室為主要研究對象,從教育系統的改變去分析各音樂教室之現況,透過文獻資料的收集以及與各音樂教室負責人的深度訪談,藉此瞭解各連鎖型音樂教育系統的行銷模式。 Recently, Taiwan is faced on critical decreasing birth rate. How operating and keeping a chain music classroom which based on music education for children? Will parents let their children learn music in a music classroom? These problems are very serious on chain music educational system. Many chain music classrooms are working hard on operating and marketing strategies. Therefore, this research is surveys and analysis on chain music classrooms operating profile for understand their operating mode. For Taiwan at present, chain music classrooms are not traditional operating mode anymore. In situations of low teacher hourly fee and high staff cost, save cost price by marketing channel, a person who wears many hats, and cooperate with other music classrooms are ways may research in the future. This research is adopts three chain music classrooms. From variably educational system to analysis every music classrooms of situations by using data collect, and interview with company principals to understand operation mode on each chain music classrooms.