摘要: | 地方文化產業發展是一項極具開發力的經濟與文化資源,確為發展無可取代的文化觀光資源,並有延續地方傳統文化與凝聚社群共識、領域感、認同感等功能,且績優社區的成功關鍵因素,除了社區本身需具備有高度熱誠及行動力的領導者和工作團隊來帶領地方居民一起參與社區工作之外,另外在地文化資源和特色的發掘、整合、尋找社區自我優勢、開發與創新,進而發展在地文化產業,亦是績優社區工作發展與推廣中極具重要的成功關鍵因素之一。 所以,成為成功的績優社區仍需將地方文化資源特色發掘出來,並透過整合、發展及創新,因社區需找自我優勢對於地方形象的塑造、影響力的提升等方面都發揮著巨大的作用,且需利用在地資源之特殊性、獨特性以及不易被模仿取代之優勢,來展現觀光吸引力、提高在地能見度,才能進一步讓遊客在心中建立深刻鮮明的地方文化意象。 然而,過溝庄曾有上小海之美譽,信仰中心建德宮也集當代工藝名師作品於一身,在地更擁有獨特的中元普度以及百年火燈文化「火燈夜巡」等特色,日後如何結合地方資源,展現出獨特的在地文化和產業特色,以吸引民眾深入瞭解地方城鄉風貌,以成為地方發展之重要契機。 The development of the local cultural industry is one of the most highly potential powers on both economic and cultural resources. It can really become the irreplaceable resource of cultural tourism and function of continuity of traditional local culture, cohesion of community consensus, sense of district, and identity. Besides, the key success factors (KSFs) of the outstanding performance community not only to have the highly passionate and executive power leader who can guide local residents involving the community work but also to excavate, integrate, and search the potential of the advantage, development and innovation of local cultural resources and characteristics. As well as to cultivate the local cultural industry is one of the most important KSFs of the outstanding performance community development. Therefore, to become an outstanding performance community, it is necessary to excavate the characteristic of local cultural resources then to integrate, develop, and innovate them because the community must search the advantage of itself regarding the shape of local image and the rising influence which playing the important role of the community development. It also must make the best use of particularity, uniqueness, and irreplaceability of the local resources to establish the attraction of tourism and increase the local visibility to create the profound and clear local cultural image in the tourist's mind. However, Guogou Village, once known as little Shanghai, the local belief center Jiande Temple full of the collection artworks by famous contemporary craftsmen, the unique Jhongyuan Ghost Festival in the summer as well as century old history of “The Night Patrol with Fire Lamps”, still has to integrate the local resources in the future to demonstrate the uniqueness of the local culture and industry then to attract the tourists to understand the local landscape and culture becoming the most important opportunity of local development. |