本研究採用「台灣青少年成長歷程研究」2007年大學二年級樣本為資料,旨在探討大學階段的家人關係與休閒參與的相關性。研究方法以描述性統計(次數統計、百分比)、皮爾森相關係數、相關係數t檢定等統計方法進行資料比對,研究結果發現:一、家庭成員間的良好關係與大學生從事「球類、游泳等各種運動」有著極顯著的關係。二、父母親對子女越是「管教嚴格」抑或「責備度」愈高,子女愈傾向參與性質屬於靜態類型的休閒活動,例如「看書、看雜誌」、「繪畫、書法、手工藝」、「下棋、打橋牌」、「養寵物」等;相對地,嚴責對於球類和體能運用型休閒活動沒有激勵作用。三、大學生經常以及有時從事的休閒活動,最頻繁的是「聽音樂」,百分比為90.2%,其次為「看書、雜誌」百分比為69.1%,再者為「從事球類、游泳等各種運動」,百分比為47.2%。而大學生很少或從不從事的休閒活動依序最不常做的是「繪畫、書法」,其次為「下棋、打橋牌」,再者為「參觀藝文展覽或表演活動」及「養寵物」。 This study aims to explore the relevance between the family relationship between the leisure participation of college students. The data analyzed by descriptive statistics (frequency statistics and percentage), Pearson correlation coefficient and test statistic come from questionnaire filled out by sophomores from Taiwan Youth Project in 2007. A summary of the findings is shown below: 1. The good family relationship between family members is positively related to the college students' participation of the sports activities such as ball games and swimming. 2. The stricter the parents' attitude is, the more often the children engage in static leisure activities, such as “reading books or magazines”, “painting, calligraphy, or handicraft arts”, “playing chess or Bridge”, or “keeping pets”.3. The most frequent activity participated by college students is “listening to music” accounted for 90.2%,the next one is “reading books or magazines” accounted for69.1%, and the last one is “ball games or swimming” accounted for 47.2%. The least frequent activity participated be college students is “painting or calligraphy”, the next one is “playing chess or Bridge”, and the last ones are both “visiting the exhibition or watching performance” and “keeping pets”.