本研究運用自我敘說的方式來探索求學時期社會互動的歷程,並透過高夫曼的劇場理論對研究者的生命故事加以闡述,藉此解讀人們都是在名為日常生活的舞臺上各自扮演不同角色的演員。而研究方法將採取質性取向的敘說分析研究,輔以及相關文獻和生命故事文本的分析比較。 本研究將依據高夫曼之〈日常生活中的自我表演〉為主要理論架構,以研究者自身的生命故事文本內容,對求學時期自我內在交互影響的過程進行探討,其中自己與師長、同學的存在就像戲劇演員,而互動過程則如同戲劇演出的過程。 This research thesis aims to explore the process of social interaction in my schooldays. It refers to Goffman's theory of dramaturgy and is conducted with self-narrative analysis to construct the story of the researcher's life. Then it is understood that people are all playing their own roles on the stage of their daily lives. The qualitative research analysis involves texts of my story, kinds of notes in my schooldays and relative research literature. This study also refers to Goffman's theoretical concepts in his book, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Herein, all the self, teachers, and classmates in my schooldays appear as actors on the stage of everyday life and their process of interaction resembles the process of acting in a play.