連鎖式便利商店四大超商至2016年5月止統計有10,999間門市,近年來顧客意識抬頭,門市人員與顧客的摩擦時有所聞,加上員工工作量增加,工作性質五花八門,進而造成員工流動率居高不下。因此本研究的目的欲探討服務業受雇員之社會支持、福利制度、升遷機會、工作滿意度與留任意願之研究。本研究以便利商店受雇員為研究對象,並採用網路開放式隨機便利抽樣的方式進行問卷調查,一共回收415份。 運用SPSS統計分析軟體,信度及相關分析等進行資料分析,由迴歸分析來探討構面之間解釋與預測關係,並驗證研究假設是否成立。 本研究所得結論如下(1)社會支持對工作滿意度不具有顯著差異;(2)社會支持對留任意願不具有顯著差異;(3)福利制度對工作滿意度具有顯著差異;(4)升遷機會對工作滿意度具有顯著差異;(5)工作滿意度對留任意願具有顯著差異;(6)工作滿意度在福利制度與升遷機會對留任意願具有部份中介效果;(7)工作滿意度在社會支持與留任意願不具中介效果。 According to 2016's in May only statistics, there are 10,999 of convenience stores in Taiwan. In recent years, customer awareness has been taken seriously, the more and more disputes between shops and customers have been heard, and further result in higher turnover rate for the convenience stores' employee. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine the factors impact on the intension of stay for the convenience stores employees including the social support, welfare system, job promotion, and job satisfaction. Method of open random sampling is employed by this study. It collects 415 copies. The following results are suggested by this study (1) social support has significant differences on job satisfaction; (2) social support has significant differences on retention willing; (3) The welfare system has significant impact on job satisfaction; (4) Job satisfaction has a significant impact on retention willing; (5) Job satisfaction has an intermediary effect on social support and retention willingness; (6) Job satisfaction in the welfare system and promotion systems a willingness to remain part of the mediating effects; (7) Job satisfaction, social support and willingness to remain without an intervening effect.