近年來,美容 SPA 市場快速成長,單單台灣的美容SPA產值早已經超過250億台幣,每年成長速度約25%,然其市場競爭亦日趨激烈。美容SPA市場的客群,從十幾歲到六十幾歲不等,讓美容SPA館在提供服務時,需要特別注意消費者對於美容SPA的服務品質、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度,為本研究之背景與動機。 本研究的目的欲探討美容SPA消費者之服務品質、顧客滿意度、與顧客忠誠度影響關係之研究。經分析過得知以下幾點研究結果與發現:1.服務品質對顧客滿意度具有正向之影響。2.服務品質對顧客忠誠度具有正向之影響3.顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度具有正向之影響。4.顧客滿意度在服務品質與顧客忠誠度之間具有中介效果。 In recent years, the market of Beauty SPA shop grew up quickly, which average year growth rate is about 25% and the scale is around NTD 25 billion in Taiwan market. However, the Beauty SPA market competes sharply and customers are various from teenage to sixty and so on. Hence, this study planned to explore the relations about Service Quality, Perceived Value, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty. The purpose of the study is examining the relationship among the service quality, customers' satisfaction and customers' loyalty. The convenient questionnaire survey method is used by this study. The empirical results are summarized as followed.1. the service quality has significantly positive impact on the customer satisfaction.2. The customers, satisfaction has positive significant impact on the customers' loyalty.3. Customer satisfaction significantly affected customer loyalty.4. The customers' satisfaction has mediation effect between the service quality and customers loyalty.