在學生族群中,手機和平板(以下簡稱行動載具)的相關活動已經成為年輕學生族群在自由時間中,最主要的休閒活動。本研究針對國中和國小高年級學童作問卷調查,了解青少年行動載具的使用行為,成癮行為及休閒效益之情形。問卷發放381份、回收347份、有效問卷317份,以統計方法進行分析,考驗本研究所提出之研究假說。 結果顯示,青少年使用行動載具的最常從事的活動是使用LINE及FB和玩遊戲;討論對象以同學朋友居多,成癮行為的類型則以耐受性較高;休閒效益的類型則以鬆弛效益較高;學生使用時間的長短及次數與成癮行為及休閒效益有顯著相關,說明成癮行為及休閒效益程度會因使用時間的長短及次數增多而提高。和網友討論者,成癮行為有顯著差異。教育程度及戒斷反應能預測休閒效益的高低。 In the student community, mobile and tablet related activities have become young students in the free time, the most important leisure activities. This study was conducted to investigate the use of children's mobile phones and flatbeds, game addiction and leisure satisfaction. Questionnaire issued 381 copies, 347 copies, valid questionnaires 317, statistical methods for analysis, test the research hypothesis proposed by the Institute. The results show that the most frequently used activities of young people using mobile vehicles are to use LINE and FB and play games. The discussion object is mostly friend-friendly and the type of addiction is highly tolerant; the type of leisure benefit is relaxed And the number of students using the time and the number of times with the addiction behavior and leisure benefits are significantly related to the addiction behavior and leisure benefits will be due to the use of the length of time and increase the number of times. And netizens discussed, addictive behavior was significantly different. Education level and withdrawal reaction can predict the level of leisure benefits.