摘要: | 本研究旨在探討中華電信員工的休閒參與動機所帶來的休閒效益是否可提升工作滿意度及增進員工幸福感,並探討不同的個人背景變項在休閒參與動機、休閒效益、工作滿意度與幸福感的差異情形。 本研究採用問卷調查方式,進行資料的分析與討論,本問卷調查的對象以一零六年度任職於南區電信分公司高雄營運處及屏東營運處不同工作部門的中華電信員工為訪查對象,總樣本數為700份,有效份數為543,有效問卷回收率為77.57%。資料分析採用平均數、標準差、項目分析、相關分析、t考驗、單因子變異數、迴歸分析等統計方法,研究結果發現不同背景變相的員工在休閒參與動機、休閒效益、工作滿意度與幸福感間皆有顯著差異;而休閒參與動機、休閒效益、工作滿意度與幸福感四個變相彼此間存在顯著因果關係。 The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between leisure motivation and leisure benefit of Chunghwa Telecom employees, and whether benefit can improve job satisfaction and its well-beings. In addition, the differences of demographic variables in leisure participating motivation, leisure benefit, work satisfaction and well-beings are investigated. In this study, the survey are used to analyzed and the results were discussed,The research sample are the employees who work in different department of Pingtung and Kaoshung branches in Chunghwa Telecom Company. The total number of study samples is 700, the effective samples are 543, and the return rate was 77.57%. Average, standard deviation, project analysis, correlation analysis, t test, one-way ANOVA, regression analysis and other statistical methods were used in data analysis. The results showed that there were significant differences in leisure motivation, leisure benefit, job satisfaction and well-being for indivisual employees with various backgrounds. the hypotheses variables between leisure motivation, leisure benefit, work satisfaction have significant differences to well-beings. |