本研究旨在探討國小音樂科任教師的領導風格與學生音樂科學習動機之關係,並比較領導風格對各年級學生的學習動機影響的差異性。本研究採問卷調查法,以自編之「教師領導風格量表」及「學習動機量表」為調查工具。本研究調查對象係由台中市梧棲區六所國民小學中,每校四、五、六年級各抽樣一班加以施測。問卷回收資料以SPSS 17版統計套裝軟體,進行描述性統計、ANOVA、多元回歸分析等統計方法進行各項考驗分析。經分析討論獲得以下結論:(一)國小音樂科教師之轉型領導對學生學習動機影響顯著。(二)國小音樂科教師之轉型領導的魅力因素,對學生學習動機各成分影響最顯著。(三)國小音樂科教師之互易領導對學生學習動機影響顯著,以「有條件酬賞」影響最高。(四)互易領導對學習動機的各項成分皆有顯著影響,但互易領導各構面對學習動機的各項成分的影響不同。(五)國小音樂科教師之領導風格對不同年級之學生學習動機影響有顯著差異。 The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between leadership styles of elementary music teachers and learning motivation of students. It is also aimed to discuss the differences of music teachers' leadership style and learning motivation of fourth to sixth grade students.To reach the purpose of this study, literatures were reviewed first to develop the research framework. Empirical data was then collected and analyzed. The subjects of the study are eighteen fourth to sixth grade classes which were selected from six elementary schools in Taichung Wuchi District. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistic analysis, ANOVA, and regression analysis for statistical test. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. Transformational leadership has a significant influence on learning motivation of students. 2. Charm of teacher, as one of the dimensions of Transformational leadership, has the most significant influence on learning motivation. 3. Transactional leadership has a significant influence on learning motivation. "Conditional rewards" has the most significant influence. 4. Transactional leadership has significant influences on learning motivation of students, but the influences were different among various dimensions. 5. Leadership style of music teachers has a significant influence on learning motivation of students in different grades.