歐洲國家在兩次世界大戰後努力組成歐洲聯盟,從經濟、貿易、金融各方面的合作,逐步走向軍事與外交的整合,並以建立一支真正屬於歐洲的歐洲軍為目標。迄今關於歐盟建軍的研究,除了敘述歷程,主要是在分析歐盟建軍的成因、歐盟各國的態度、美俄的態度、成效限制與挑戰,但鮮少有研究去探查台灣地區民眾對歐盟建軍此一議題的看法,更遑論詢問大學在學學生。有鑑於現有研究與大眾之間的落差,本研究嘗試透過問卷的方式,從問卷的問題與選項中提供相關資訊,以探查民眾對於歐洲建軍的了解,以及對歐盟模式移植到東亞地區的看法。經本文問卷調查後,結果顯示台灣地區大學在學學生對歐盟建軍此一議題並不甚了解,在填答過相關問題了解了歐盟建軍所遭遇的困難,填答者對歐盟模式信心明顯下降了。至於對歐盟模式信心的強弱,則與填答者的一些背景條件有關,有待進一步研究探查。 European countries have tried to build their European Union after the Second World Wars. After achieving substantial integration in economy, trade, and finance, European countries cooperate in of military and diplomacy and try to establish a truly European Army as their goal. So far, existing literatures on the European army have a comprehensive study about the European integration and European Army, but few studies have ever addressed the attitude of Taiwanese college students toward the European Union in general and European Army in particular. Given this gap, this study conducts a public questionnaire survey and finds that, Taiwanese college students have very little knowledge regarding European Union and European Army. Their confidence over European model is decreased after they learned the difficulties and challenges that European countries have faced. Confidence over European model also varied across several background conditions of the respondents, which needs to be explored by further studies.