近年以來,歐洲面臨二戰以來規模最大的難民潮,大量難民持續湧入引發嚴重經濟社會問題和人道主義危機,讓歐洲國家難以承受,種種限制與排斥的措施,使歐洲的形象受到衝擊。關於歐洲難民問題,至今的研究已從各個方面著手,但並未探查大眾對此一議題的瞭解,有鑑於現有研究與大眾之間的落差,本文嘗試透過問卷的方式,從問卷的問題與選項中提供相關資訊,以探查臺灣地區大學生對於歐洲難民危機的了解,以及此一危機對歐洲形象的影響。結果本文發現,問卷填答者對於歐洲難民危機的瞭解相當有限,但經過問卷填答瞭解情況之後,填答者對歐洲的正面觀感確實普遍下降。至於對歐洲正面觀感的高低,則與填答者的一些背景條件有關,有待進一步研究探查。 Recently, Europe faced the most serious refugee crisis since the end of the Second World War. The persistence of large numbers of refugees created enormous economic and social problems unbearable to many European countries. All kinds of restrictions and exclusion measures taken by these countries damaged the positive image of Europe. So far, existing literatures have substantial studies about the European refugee crisis, but few studies have ever addressed the attitude of Taiwanese college students toward this important issue. Given this gap, this study conducts a public questionnaire survey and finds that, Taiwanese college students have very little knowledge regarding European refugee crisis. Nevertheless, after they learned what happened during this crisis, their positive attitude toward Europe did drop significantly. In addition, their positive attitude toward Europe also varied across several background conditions, which needs to be explored by further studies.