本研究目的旨在探討結婚戒指的款式設計及材質,為達研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以自編「結婚戒指款式設計與材質喜好度之調查問卷」為研究工具,針對台灣南部地區適婚年齡之民眾,採隨機方式進行問卷調查。總計發送出問卷為135份,回收有效問卷為120份,有效回收率達88.8%。根據問卷調查所得資料進行分析與統計,運用方法包含描述性統計、排序題處理與分析,根據分析結果,可獲得以下之結論:一.不同性別之受試者,對於結婚戒指款式鑽石形狀、彩鑽使用向度、結婚戒指材質上意見相同,其他向度則有差異。二.不同年齡層之受試者,對於結婚戒指款式彩鑽使用向度上意見一致,其他向度上則有差異。三.最高學歷不同之受試者,對於結婚戒指款式每個項目向度意見皆不同、對於結婚戒指材質方面亦然。四.居住地區不同之受試者,對於結婚戒指款式每個項目向度意見皆不同、對於結婚戒指材質方面卻意見一致。 The study aims to investigate ths styles and materials of Wedding ring.In order to achieve the goal of the study, surveys are adopted.The self-devised survey “The style and designs of wedding rings and market preferences”was employed.The target group included men and woman who were in the marriageable age living in the southern part of Taiwan.They were randomly selected to complete the survey.135 surveys were distributed and 120 effective survey were sent back.The effective recovery rate reached 88.8%. The descriptive statistics and SPSS were employed to analyse the result.According to the result, the fllowing conclusions were reached: 1. Participants of different gender have the same responses regarding the styles and the materials of wedding rings, the shape of diamond and the use of the colored diamod but have different responses regarding other factors. 2. Participants of different age groups have the same opinions regarding the styles of the wedding rings and the use of the colored diamond but have different opinions on other factors. 3. Participants of higher educational backgrounds have different opinions regarding the styles and the materials of the wedding rings. 4. Participants of living in different areas have different opinions regarding the styles of the wedding rings but have the same opinions regarding the materials of wedding rings.