奇木乃形狀特異不羣之木,是自然界的產物,具有各種千奇百怪的形態,內蘊豐富的詩意與想像空間,是極佳的藝術創作素材。本研究師法自然,結合「美感、詩情、意象」,融合個人情感意念的想像畫面,創造出具有個人風格的水墨作品。 本研究以奇木主題為主幹,延伸出「心靈、樹舞、偽裝、重生」四個分支系列,從自然美與藝術美的領域論述「美不自美,因人而彰」的本質,繼而擴展到人文精神及環境保護的探討。創作過程結合西方藝術相關理論及當代水墨技法實驗運用,呈現帶有東方特色的奇木水墨繪畫。 藝術源自於生活,本創作題材來自研究者生活上的體悟與心靈的觸動,藉由奇木水墨繪畫,讓自然與藝術美感交融成為詩意的空間。技法自然,領會自然,融入自然,是研究者現階段水墨創作的方向與目標,希冀能再精益求精,讓爾後創作具有更寬廣的無限可能。同時,藉由本研究之繪畫創作作品,能讓觀者各有省思與心靈收穫,以為人本文化精神及水墨藝術略盡個人棉薄之力。 With strange forms, broad imagination and poetic space, odd wood, the special shape of wood produced by Nature, is an excellent material for artistic creation. The purpose of this study is to create a personal style ink wash painting by combining aesthetics, poetics, imagery and personal emotions. In this study, odd wood is regarded as the main theme that extends four series: Spirit, Dancing Tree, Camouflage and Rebirth to dissertate the nature and heart of beauty which include the field of natural beauty and artistic beauty, and then explores the topic of humanistic spirit and environmental protection. The creative process combined the theory of western art with the techniques of modern ink wash painting to show the eastern Asian type of odd wood ink wash painting. Art comes from life and goes beyond it. The creation concept of this study combines Nature and art to form the poetic space by odd wood ink wash painting. The current status and future direction on ink wash works of the study is to learn the techniques from Nature, to experience Nature, and to integrate into Nature while allowing readers to have some reflection and spiritual harvest by appreciating odd wood ink wash paintings in this study.