本研究目的旨在瞭解強調療癒的著色繪本,是否可以提供醫療從業人員另類紓緩情緒的管道。在此實驗研究設計中,以嘉義市某區域教學醫院執業醫事人員為研究對象,樣本共60人,其中30位為對照組,30位為實驗組。以量表、著色繪本與訪談三個部分進行實驗。量表內容主要改編自「負荷控制支持模式中文版工作內容量表;C-JCQ」與「休閒調適及休閒效益量表」,探討工作壓力感受程度與著色繪畫用於紓緩壓力認知與觀點。著色繪本的部分,以成人著色繪本「秘密花園」為介入研究中紓緩壓力之調適工具。訪談內容、著重在參與著色後之回饋與建議。本研究使用IBM SPSS分析軟體,以t檢定變異數分析等量化分析技術,對各變項間關係進行檢定。 實驗結果為:1、著色紓壓繪畫評估量表,實驗組的前測與後測,達顯著性差異。2、實驗組男性組別在繪畫後,表示有獲得身心滿足,但未達統計上差異。自變項間對於著色紓壓繪畫認知,皆達顯著性關係,除男性在「著色繪畫的身心滿足感」部分外。3、實驗組受訪者表示在繪畫過程中,心情覺得放鬆,繪畫後得到了另一種療癒的境界,約有66.7%的人願意嘗試以「著色繪畫」方式,調適自己的情緒。 研究結果顯示,醫療人員的工作壓力感受程度屬於中等;透過著色紓壓繪畫的方式,可以幫助醫療人員面對工作壓力時,在短時間內暫時性地轉移原本關注的事項,得到情緒的調適或抒發。 The purpose of this study is to investigate whether it is possible to provide an alternative soothing & healing way for medical practitioners with coloring book. In the experimental study, the subjects are practicing medical personnel of one regional teaching hospital in Chia-Yi city. The total number of samples was 60, including 30 as the control group and 30 for the experimental group. The experiment was carried out in three parts: scale, drawing and interview. The scale content, which is adapted from the Chinese version of the Job Content Questionnaire (C-JCQ) and leisure adjustment and leisure benefit questionnaire, explore the degree of work stress perception and the assessment of perception and opinion about coloring to relieve stress. In the intervention study of coloring, we use the adult coloring book of the "secret garden" as the adjustment tool to ease pressure. The interviews focus on feedback and suggestions after participation in coloring. Using IBM SPSS Statistics software, we perform t test variance analysis and other quantitative analysis techniques to verify the relationship between each variable. The results are as follows: 1, In the experimental group, there is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest in coloring relief assessment scale. 2, Male participants in the experimental group express physical and psychological satisfaction after coloring, thought without a statistical difference. 3, The participants in experimental group indicate that they feel relaxed in the coloring process and reach a inspirational state after coloring, and 66.7% of the participants are willing to try "coloring" approach to adjust their emotions. The results of the study show that the degree of work stress perception of medical personnel is moderate or above. Through the process of coloring, it is helpful for medical personnel to temporarily transfer the original concern in a short time in the face of work pressure, and get emotional adjustment or ventilation.