現在的國中生每日都必須面對繁重的課業壓力,也同時面對生理轉變的心理壓力,而透過使用3C產品來宣洩壓力,對他們為什麼產生了影響?習慣了3C產品卻義無反顧地沈溺其中的目的是什麼?本研究以探討「人格特質」、「生活適應」、「心理需求」與「3C產品的使用」及「沉迷3C產品」之間的影響,以瞭解3C產品在國中生生活中所扮演的角色,並提供相關的應對作為。 根據 364 份有效問卷分析,發現「人格特質」、「生活適應」、「心理需求」對「3C產品的使用」產生影響,並對「3C產品的沉迷」有一定程度的影響,因此想解決國中生對3C產品的沈迷情況,可藉由提升生活適應能力、滿足心理需求與適當的約束,以給予他們正確的使用觀念。 Junior high school students face much stress. This is not only in their school work, but also from physical changes (i.e. puberty). In order to deal with this stress many today turn to 3C products. The aim of this study was to investigate the role that 3C products play in the lives of students along with finding solutions to the problems. Three factors: (a) personality traits, (b) life adaptation, along with (c) mental demand were investigated for their influence on the demeanor, along with the indulgence, of using 3C products. 364 complete questionnaires were taken for further analysis.The study found that personality traits, life adaptation, and mental demand all influence the demeanor of using 3C products, but only have a partial influence on the indulgence of 3C products. The results show that in order to lessen the addiction of 3C products by junior high school students, parents and teachers should teach them the correct attitudes of using 3C products. This can be done by helping them improve their life adaptation, fulfilling their mental demand and constraining them properly.