近幾年行動支付隨著智慧型手機及行動上網的普及有了很大的改變,各行動支付業者陸續推出相關的支付服務,消費者也能針對不同的優惠來選擇行動支付業者進行付款,但對於收款的商家卻會造成很大的困擾,各業者都有開發其專屬的APP來進行收款,商家若要進行不同行動支付收款時必須在不同的APP之間進行切換,在操作上會有很大的不方便。 本研究將以整合行動支付收款為目的,開發出能同時收受多家行動支付業者的收款系統,讓商家能透過單一的系統與操作介面就能進行多家行動支付業者的收款。 In recent years, with the popularity of smart phones and mobile Internet has been greatly changed, the mobile payment industry has introduced the relevant payment services, consumers can also choose for different benefits to pay the industry to pay the payment, but For the collection of businesses will cause a lot of trouble, the industry have to develop their own APP to receive payments, businesses want to collection for different mobile payment must be in the exchange between the different APP, in operation There will be a lot of inconvenience. In this study, we will develop a collection system that will receive a number of mobile payment agencies at the same time for the purpose of the payment of receivables, so that businesses can pay a number of mobile payment companies through a single system and operating interface.