本文是接續筆者〈《左傳.隱公》所述「禮」之倫理思想〉的研究,進一步論述〈桓公〉、〈莊公〉與〈閔公〉這部分傳文所述「禮」之思想。分析方法則經由荀子哲學所涵之禮思想,對比與理解《左傳》史文所載歷史事件之以「禮」評述之意,瞭解「禮」在歷史中的義理,察識「禮」在歷史傳述中的脈絡。本文研究認為,藉由《左傳》「禮」思想的荀學涵義,學者亦可發覺荀子哲學思想明顯存在著歷史意識,此一方面可見荀學脈絡的來源,一方面也可確認《左傳》是溯源先秦儒學禮學思想的對象。猶有進者,依據歷史意識,吾人亦可對生命意義做哲學省察,確認生命哲學義涵之所是。 I continue the study of ‘The ethical thinking of the rite of ‘Duke Yin’ in Zuozhuan’ , my thesis discuses the thinking of the rite of ‘Duke Huan, Zhuang, Min' in Zuozhuan. I analyze the thought of rite of Xun-zi, and compare with the description of rites of Zuozhuan. According to the context of Rite of Zuozhuan, I am aware that the meaning of rites in history. My study show that the philosophy of Xun-zi included historical consciousness about the source of Xun-zi thinking, which by Xun-zi thinking of the context of rites in Zuozhuan, and it also show that Zuozhuan is the source of pre-Qin philosophy of rites. According to the historical consciousness, my conclusion confirms that the meaning of philosophy of life.