本文擬透過對明清之際吳梅村(1609-1671)雜劇《通天臺》之分析,討論以下課題:由吳梅村所處時代的角度切入,貼近體察其經歷朝代鼎革之流離,了解其相關敘事史詩及戲曲創作之時代背景。再者,探究吳梅村戲曲理論,知其肯定戲曲寓寫紀實功用,能傳誦詞人之離憂感憤,因而藉歷史興亡故實之瀾翻,以古人之歌呼笑罵陶寫抑鬱,實將之視為抒情言志之載體。最後,本文擬以其雜劇《通天臺》為研究文本,細繹其中深意,實有吳梅村映照自身、託寓個人境況的言外之旨。清陳文述(1771-1843)稱其「千秋哀怨託騷人,一代興亡入詩史」,蓋有以也。 This text through the analysis from Wei-Ye, Wu's (1609-1671) Zaju TONG TIAN TAI to discuss the following issues. Firstly, we can know more about the background of epic and Chinese opera from the times Wei-Ye, Wu belongs and the changing of the dynasty he experienced. Secondly, from the theory of Wei-Ye, Wu's writing which related to life and it was for admonishments and express poets depressed. These writings are as beautiful as Tang poem and Song Ci. Moreover, by the rise and fall of dynasty, the style he wrote was with Chinese opera. In order to express people's downhearted spirit, he also expressed his own feelings by these writings. People regarded his writing as lyrical. Lastly, Zaju TONG TIAN TAI has a meaningful purport. It described the main character, Jiong Shen(503-561), experienced the changing in Liang dynasty and Chen dynasty. Eventually, he came back to his hometown by got through the captive and experienced the miserable. The writing reflected Wei-Ye, Wu himself and had described the situationhe was indeed. Wen-Shu, Chen (1771-1843) indicated that "The long-term sorrowful expression entrusted to poets; the prosperity and decline of dynasties kept in epics.