現代人被日新月異的傳播科技所包圍,生活中充斥著網路與各種電子科技產品,而行動裝置在現今已成為一股不可扺擋的數位潮流,且造就了習慣於點滑行動裝置的「滑世代」。本研究以深度訪談法探究國小學童這群滑世代族群,其行動裝置的使用行為與動機,並深入行動裝置對他們的意義與價值。研究發現,國小學童多數擁有自己的行動裝置且多為中、低頻率使用者,而多數家長則持開放態度但會限制使用時間,不過,單親和隔代教養家庭則多為中高頻使用;在使用動機上,休閒娛樂是所有學童使用行動裝置的原因,其次是溝通分享,尤其是中高年級,最少則為解決問題,尤其是女性學童;至於行動裝置對滑世代們的意義與價值,多數視其為夥伴朋友,尤以中高年級為最,單親與隔代教養的家庭背景亦是影響因素,其次為玩具物件,少數則為日常用具與休閒零嘴。 The research by depth interviews analyzes the usage patterns, motivations, and meanings of the mobile devices in current primary school students of the so-called "Touch-Screen Generation".The research finds most of the students have their own mobile devices and are middle and low frequent users. They have three major motivations: (1) for solving problems, (2) for making recreations, (3) for communicating and sharing information. And there are four important meanings for the students: (1) diversions like snacks, (2) devices like toys, (3) daily utensils, (4) partnerships.