旅遊是生活的表現和儀式。不論是中世紀的朝聖之旅、因宗教目的而發生的十字軍東征、文藝復興時期的航海大探險、工業社會的大眾旅遊、現代社會的背包旅遊,最大的特點便是在旅遊與日常生活建立起時空的邊界,神聖的旅遊、世俗的生活,相互更迭。以朝聖現象的儀式特質看待旅遊移動的過程,具有「心靈再造」、「度過困境」的作用,因此「過渡儀式」詮釋了現代旅遊的內隱特質。本研究耙梳了異化、疏離的社會現象,需以旅遊作爲緩解的出口;旅遊者在歷經隔離、過渡後,回歸到原來的社群中,也能與自己及團體建立起新關係。 Traveling can show the way of life or the reveal the cultures of different countries. The most wonderful feature of traveling is that it can be connected to our lives which mean there is no distance between life and tourism. We may get some proofs through the history. For example, the pilgrimages in the medieval times, Crusade, the sailing adventures in Renaissance, popular traveling time during industrial society and also the backpackers nowadays. We see the processes and traits of tourism from every pilgrimage which can rebuild people's spirits and help people to go through the struggles and difficulties. As a result, ”The Rites of Passage” interpret the inner ethos of modern tourism. This research indicates that people should go on a trip to be free from the indifferent and isolating world. Tourists can have the new relationship between themselves and others after they experience the ”Separation”, ”Margin” and ”Re-aggregation”.
運動休閒餐旅研究/Journal of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Research 3卷2期 pp.98-120