原住民地區發展觀光爲近年來風潮,以原住民文化作爲觀光資源來進行發展的同時,除了實現觀光過程中輸出社會之觀光客的需求外,是否同時尊重接收社會之被觀光者令人質疑。然而,爲維持文化的持續性,避免原住民文化在觀光發展過程中遭受吞噬,原住民是觀光發展中最需關注的焦點。基此,本研究旨在瞭解接收社會之成員參與節慶活動的經驗及對此經驗的認知與感受。本研究採用質化研究,經由對十一位參與過南島文化節的原住民進行深入訪談,研究結果發現,驗證原住民在參與節慶過程中被動接受的安排,除此之外,歷年執掌南島文化節的政府部門,共經歷文化局、原民局、旅遊局三個時期執掌階段,其主辦單位的意象跟概念,確實左右了慶典的走向或內容,導致族群元素的流失,商業化的形式出現。雖然如此,臺東南島文化節的舉辦確實也帶給原住民社群有所助益,使得原住民文化內涵提昇之現象。 There is a wave of unrest in tourism over the use of aboriginal areas. There is a query about when the authority took the aboriginal culture as the resource to develop tourism, as they accomplish this do they also respect the aboriginal society which has been toured in the same time. However, in order to keep the continuity in culture, escape form it has been engulfed in the progress of tourism, it needs to take the main notice of aborigines which in the development of tourism. On the basis of this reason, the substance of this study would understand the experiences of festival activities and the cognition, feeling of the members of the receiving society. We use the qualitative approach in our study. Taking interviews of eleven aborigines who attended the festival of Austronesian cultures in depth. It was arranged that aborigines attend the festival in the process of our research. Furthermore, the government organization which hosted the Festival of Austronesian cultures was the Taitung County of Cultural Affairs Bureau, Aboriginal People Bureau and Tourism Bureau over the past few years. The imagery and concept of a sponsor can influence in the contents and trend, it would wash away the element of the tribe, and develop the commercialization. But Festival of Austronesian cultures in Taitung brought benefits for aborigine tribes indeed. It also had a phenomenon of promoting the culture intension of the aborigine.
運動與遊憩研究/Journal of Sport and Recreation Research 3卷1期 pp.73-92