本研究主要探究越南新移民女性來台前後之休閒行爲之概況,並歸納其在台休閒行爲之類型和休閒風格之特徵。在九十六年八月至九十七年四月期間,論者運用參與觀察法與深度訪談,選取論者工作場域中在台婚齡六年以上的越南籍新移民女性爲研究對象。研究結果發現,新移民女性在其原生國因家庭經濟窮困,休閒機會較爲匱乏,但隨著來台時間增長,語言溝通能力的進展、大眾和私人交通工具的熟悉,和外出工作帶來的經濟資源,促使其在家的地位提高,握有休閒活動的自主權,其休閒行爲可歸納出六個面向,越南新移民女性的休閒行爲之類型,呈現出下列六種面相,分別爲:(一)以生活舊經驗爲核心,延展其休閒活動;(二)休閒參與接觸面有限,以娛樂性休閒活動爲主;(三)休閒爲次要生活領域,積極參與學校辦理的社交活動;(四)以族裔網絡爲休閒同伴,越南店家成爲休閒消費場域;(五)與子女的休閒互動主要受交通工具便利性與經濟性因素影響;(六)休閒消費以滿足孩子需求爲主,以補償童年的物質匱乏。 The purpose of this research is to build the leisure behavior profile of the new emigrants of Vietnamese female. There is consideration of before and after coming to Taiwan. There is concern with style and type of leisure behavior. Research involved participant observation, survey data collection and in-depth interviews. New emigrants who were married more than six years as of contact between August 2007 to April 2008 and were in the investigator's working area were subjects of study. It was found that economic destitution in Vietnam meant leisure opportunity was limited prior to coming to Taiwan. It was found that the longer a Vietnamese female lived in Taiwan, the greater the participation in leisure. Ability in language, familiarity with the public and private conveyance, job improvement and their position in the family contributed to increased leisure activity. The type of leisure behavior of Vietnamese females considered were found to fall into six categories: (1) Base on Vietnam experience as the core then expands their leisure customs. (2) Given limited leisure participation they take the entertainment leisure activities as a principal activity. (3) Leisure is secondary in their life but they still play a part in sociable activities. (4) The network of relation defines leisure companions with the Vietnamese stores being leisure activity places. (5) The convenience of transport and cost were the main influences on the leisure interaction with their. (6) Leisure consumption for their children was a priority as it compensated for deficiencies during their childhood.
運動與遊憩研究/Journal of Sport and Recreation Research 3卷1期 pp.110-124